Saturday 24 August 2013

Week Six

Digital Technologies.

Mobile Phones
When people think of mobile phones in the classroom, they picture a teacher with their back turned, writing on the board, and million silent and distracting conversations going on under desks as students tap away on their phones to each other. Ignoring the 'Chalk and Talk' method of teaching, it is time for educators to stop fighting the loosing battle of 'No phone in my classroom!' because realistically almost every student carries one, and they certainly could sneak it in if they wanted too. As educators, we need move with the students, and keep them engaged and in a world that is becomming more and more digital, using the digital tools that the students are very adapt at using, is an oppurtunity that teachers can not afford to miss. The New Student

How can we use mobile phones productivly and safely in the classroom?
Phones do have a place in schools when students need to get into contact with thier parents or gardians. When there is an emergency at the school, or at home.
Indipendant study
The mobile phone is the seeminly perfect tool for student lead learning. The capability to quickly pulul from the pocket and easily google, or browse the web. Having a computer in every students pocket.
Indipendant study
The mobile phone is the seeminly perfect tool for student lead learning. The capability to quickly pulul from the pocket and easily google, or browse the web. Having a computer in every students pocket.
Behaviour Management
This allows students to self check, and control their own learning as well as learn self control. In the classroom, the use of mobile phones is a great tool, but of course will need to be supervised. This is a way for students to be able to direct themselves and other and ensure that the privlage is used correctly. Having the students involved with the behaviour mamnagement will let them show leardership and self management skills.
Using Webtools
Movile phones are very common, which means that educators will be able to move foward and create online learning journeys, PDFs, blogs and wiki accounts as well as a huge host of other educational web tools that sudents can access online. With students being encouraged to get a phone, then less students will be left behind from not being able to access this critical learning oppurtunities.

iPads and Tablets
Not just iPads, but other tablets are being created with more and more learning and educational oppurtunities. There are countless ways to use these devices in the classroom.
  • Creating and designing websites
  • Creating and editing movies
  • Creating avatars
  • Browing websites
  • Engaging in teacher created web tools (Voki, wordle, blogs, prezzie)
  • Watching youtube videos
  • Engaging with educational apps
  • Creating and scanning QR codes
  • Self directed study (googling or browsing the web)
  • Email and other communication methods between students and teachers
  • Taking notes
The New Student

iPods and MP3 Players
Another way to engage students with current technologies is the use the iPod and MP3 player. These are a safer option, as they don't allow for phone calls and text messaging, though they do allow students to message each other on social media sites. Though this is easily combated by blocking these sites. This medium allows students to focus on audio, though apps and webpages are still available. It is a cheaper way to allow students to use the same content that is viewable on a smartphone or iPad. The New Student

So Yay or Nay?
mind mapping software

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