Tuesday 6 August 2013

Week Five

Moving foward
Education isn't just the standard chalk and talk anymore, as our students become more focused on technology, teachers need to follow. Some teachers are overwhelmed by the thought of creating digital literates, but as we explored in teh last blog there is a lot of places out there that teachers can go, to engage and excited students with content. Just like last time, where we focused on blogger, wiki, weebly, video, images and audio, we are going to explore some more digital tools for teaching. TYPE

TYPE Education isn't just the standard chalk and talk anymore, as our students become more focused on technology, teachers need to follow. Some teachers are overwhelmed by the thought of creating digital literates, but as we explored in teh last blog there is a lot of places out there that teachers can go, to engage and excited students with content. Just like last time, where we focused on blogger, wiki, weebly, video, images and audio, we are going to explore some more digital tools for teaching.

One of my favourite online tool, which allows students to interact and engage with content, with student driven and independent learning. TYPE

Prezi, the end all of teaching tools is like a mix of powerpoint and glogster together. It has the organised content and slide show feel like a powerpoint, but it also has the unique animations, movement and students lead exploration of content that a glogster has. Here is an example of a lesson prezi which was created and it looks and sounds amazing! TYPE

All images and GIFs sourced from google images

Serban, N. (2001). NYC is it sustainable? . Retrieved from www.prezi.com - See more at: http://reffor.us/index.php#sthash.SCNUI45T.dpuf1

1 comment:

  1. I love how you have broken up each tool into different sections! It makes it so much more appealing to read, I really enjoyed reading it :)
